The “I think, then I act” platform talks about Ousman Umar

23 Jul, 2020
Categoría Featured

Just one person can do a lot of good, but to go further one needs that good to multiply, that many hands join together to join forces and do even greater good. For this reason, from NASCO Feeding Minds we are very grateful every time more people decide to collaborate with us.

On July 20, “El País” published a news story that tells the story of Ousman Umar, founder of NASCO Feeding Minds. This is an article that was published some time ago by the same media, but thanks to all the people who read it and gave it great impact it was chosen as one of the most popular and they decided to republish it. Under the headline “Hell on the way to paradise: five years crossing borders to reach Spain” they put their bit explaining the reality of sub-saharan immigration, and help to stop this migratory drama.

It has been published from the platform “I think, then I act”, a place that brings together more than 1000 initiatives created by people who thought before acting, to make this world a better place. In addition, you can also find Ousman’s story in video in chapter 2 of the Amazon Prime series I think, I act. Incredible but true

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