Ousman Umar and NASCO Feeding Minds at La Contra of La Vanguardia

29 Apr, 2021
Categoría Featured

Ousman Umar and NASCO Feeding Minds are protagonists today in La Contra of La Vanguardia, one of the most recognized and popular formats of this national newspaper. We appeared for the first time in La Contra in 2017, in this year an uncomfortable truth is denounced, an invisible reality made up of thousands of migrants who arrive every day to the Spanish coasts. Also minors, children, as was Ousman Umar in his day when he first set foot in Spain. One chance was all it took. Now he helps thousands of children so that they do not migrate risking their lives and have the opportunity in their birthplace, in Africa.

Yo can read full article here: https://www.lavanguardia.com/lacontra/20210429/7414914/negros-explotados-sostienen-economia-sumergida-espana.html